Ghost Slimer
Ghost Slimer

The Ghost Slimer cursor trail is a playful and mischievous addition to your computer experience. As you navigate your mouse, you'll leave behind trails reminiscent of the iconic Ghost Slimer from the Ghostbusters franchise. These slime trails add a touch of whimsy and nostalgia to your browsing, turning it into a fun and memorable adventure. Let Ghost Slimer accompany you on your virtual escapades, leaving a trail of slimy surprises in its wake. The Ghost Slimer character is a fan art and belongs to its respective owners, and it has no connection to the cursor trail.


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Ghost Trails Cursor

Ghost Cursor Trail - a colorful visual effect for the computer cursor that creates the illusion of a trail following the cursor's movement across the screen


Ghost1 cursor trail - is a magical cursor trail that captures your attention, making your browsing experience even more engaging and fun.

Cursor Trail cursor
Cursor Trail cursor

The Cursor Trail cursor is a captivating addition to your computer experience. As you move your mouse, it leaves behind a mesmerizing trail, creating a visual spectacle on your screen. This interactive feature adds a touch of creativity and personalization to your browsing or work sessions


The Ghost cursor trail is a captivating trail that brings a touch of mystery and intrigue to your computer experience.