- Miraculous
The Miraculous collection is inspired by the popular animated series Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. The series follows Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste, two Parisian teenagers who transform into the superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir to protect their city from villains led by Hawk Moth. These custom cursor trails bring the magic and adventure of the show into your browser. Using the Cursor Trail for Chrome extension, you can easily customize unique cursor trails for your mouse.
This collection features the following custom cursor trails:
- Ladybug Cursor Trail — a vibrant trail with red and black patterns, inspired by the brave and energetic Ladybug.
- Cat Noir Cursor Trail — a sleek trail with green glow and paw prints, symbolizing Cat Noir’s cunning and grace.
- Tikki Cursor Trail — a cute trail with glowing elements and magical energy, inspired by Tikki, Ladybug’s helpful Kwami.
- Plagg Cursor Trail — a humorous trail with cheese and cat prints, inspired by the lazy yet charismatic Kwami Plagg.
- Hawk Moth Cursor Trail — a sinister trail with dark butterflies and purple effects, symbolizing the power of Gabriel Agreste, the main antagonist.
- Kwami Cursor Trail — a universal trail with glowing symbols representing the magical Kwamis that grant extraordinary abilities.
- Miraculous Charm Trail — a trail with red and gold elements, reflecting the magic and protection of the Miraculous.
- Eiffel Tower Cursor Trail — a charming trail with glowing Eiffel Tower silhouettes, inspired by the romance and charm of Paris.
The Miraculous series tells a story of love, friendship, heroism, and the eternal battle between good and evil. This custom cursor trail collection lets you immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Ladybug and Cat Noir, making every movement of your cursor magical and unique.
Collection cursor trails
- New
- Old
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